Green Bay & Destination Wedding Photographer | Kristin Reuter

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Exit in Style: 3 Tips for Stunning Reception Exit Photos

Your wedding day is filled with unforgettable moments, but one of the most exciting and energetic is your grand exit. Capturing this mad dash into married life can be a bit challenging, but with the right planning and a few tips up your sleeve, your exit photos can become some of your absolute favorites. Here are three essential tips to help you and your photographer seize the energy and excitement of your grand exit.3 Tips For Exit Photos Every Couple Should Know

1. Put Someone In Charge.

If you don't have a wedding planner, designate someone to take charge of organizing the exit. This person should ensure that everyone is ready outside for your big exit and that your getaway transportation is in place. They'll also be responsible for distributing any exit items, whether it's sparklers, rose petals, or something unique to your wedding. It's crucial for this person to check in with the photographer to confirm they're ready before giving you the green light to make your exit. Having someone to coordinate these details will help your exit go off without a hitch, and it will allow you to focus on the moment instead of logistics.

2. Stop Halfway Through.

As you and your new spouse make your grand exit from the reception, consider stopping halfway for a moment. This pause allows you to wave to your guests or share a quick kiss, and it serves a dual purpose. First, it gives your photographer the chance to make any necessary adjustments to their camera settings. Second, it allows them to capture a clear, unobstructed image of the two of you without the chaos of confetti, sparkler smoke, or other exit items. This short pause will help you preserve a more intimate and memorable image of your exit.

3. Make a Dash For The Car.

It's natural to want to say goodbye to your guests one last time before you drive away, but we recommend resisting that urge. Once you reach your getaway car, get in and go. While you may feel the desire to linger and extend your farewells, doing so can make it challenging for the photographer to capture your final exit from the vehicle. By making a quick getaway, you create an opportunity for the photographer to capture a candid and heartfelt farewell shot. Plus, you can always take time to thank your guests during another part of your celebration, such as during the reception or after-party.

Remember, your wedding exit is a memorable and joyful moment, and these photos will help you relive the excitement for years to come. By following these three tips, you can ensure that your exit photos are not only fun but also stunning and filled with authentic emotion. So, plan your exit well, make a brief stop for a special moment, and then make a dash for the car to start your new journey as a married couple.

*Sparkler Suggestions:

We recommend getting the longer sparklers if you are planning on doing a sparkler exit, like these. When I purchase sparklers for lighting workshops I usually purchase them locally, but they are similar to the ones I linked. I try to always get the 36 inch. It can be cumbersome to get the sparklers to light, especially for a large group all at once. If you use the longer, 36,” sparklers it not only gives you the ability to have a longer exit, but it also yields some leeway in getting all of your guests’ sparklers list at the same time.

One of my other big tips for sparkler exits, is to give two sparklers to each person. That way when their first sparkler starts to go out they can light their second sparkler off of the first.

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Hey Friends I just wanted to let you know that I am a part of many affiliate programs. This means that I may receive compensation when you make a purchase from any links contained in this website. The cool part is that it doesn’t cost you any more to make a purchase from my links, which is super cool because this also helps support my family.

As always, when making a purchase make sure you do your own research on not only the product but the seller as well. I do my best to only post links of products I have purchased but there may be instances where I may need to post a link for informational purposes only due to lack of availability of other resources. For example: I purchase all of my camera gear locally and they do not have a website with their product listings. I post the Amazon links so you know which models I am referring to. If you have questions please reach out.